The Essential Role of Testers in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

In .Institutional, .Software, Uncategorized by Baufest

In 1947, at Harvard University, computer scientists Howard Aiken and Grace Murray discovered a bug in the first electromagnetic computer, the “Mark I.”

Monday 9 - September - 2024
Male data scientist and female developer working on bugs in code on a desktop computer in a creative office

When investigating the source of the error, they found that it was caused by a moth that had been electrocuted and trapped inside the machine. This incident marked the beginning of bug documentation and is considered one of the earliest examples of software testing in computer history, a milestone celebrated every September 9th as International Software Tester Day.

The Evolution of the Tester Role

Over the years, the role of the tester has evolved alongside market demands, the increasing complexity of solutions, and new technologies supporting application testing processes. As a result, through training in new tools and programming languages, the tester role has come to be known as the Quality Engineer.

AI as a Tool to Enhance Testing

According to the 2023-2024 World Quality Report, 67% of companies have incorporated quality assurance into their business operations. In this context of constant technological evolution, quality engineers face significant challenges due to the growing complexity of systems and the integration of new technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Expanding Capabilities with AI

At Baufest, we see the integration of AI as an opportunity to expand testers’ technical capabilities and professional development. We integrate AI as a support tool in the testing process, which has allowed for increased efficiency, accuracy, and faster delivery. Additionally, we have expanded our essential knowledge in DevOps and Data, facilitating a smoother integration of AI into our practices and across the entire product development lifecycle.

Automation Success in Software Testing

A clear example of our adaptation and success is a case with a company with over 22 years of experience in transportation management, which needed to improve the quality of its software testing. We implemented an automation strategy that included tools, best practices, and infrastructure, achieving a 76% reduction in testing efforts, more efficient sprints, and greater test coverage, among other benefits.

The Future of Quality Engineers in a Digital World

In an increasingly digital environment, quality engineers are key to business innovation and success, facilitating the adoption of new technologies and methodologies that optimize processes and reduce time to market.

Today, it is crucial for more organizations to recognize the importance of quality engineers and for more professionals to join this technology field, which will continue to require talent and adaptability in the future.

By Mercedes Bravo, Software Quality Practice Head at Baufest