Reengineering of processes and applications for seeds’ genetic improvement

Seed Company established in Argentina focused on the entire South American region, with a strong objective of international expansion to be the leader in the global soybean market. They work in genetic improvement for obtaining, producing and commercializing of seeds of soya, corn and wheat; focusing on the increase of the agricultural productivity.
The company needed to modernize its own system to improve soybean and wheat varieties. The application was originally developed several years ago in VBA 6.0 technology by internal resources. Since this technology became obsolete and the amount of technical resources was limited, new functionalities turned out to be a problem. To reverse this situation, the company decided to start a reengineering process to develop a new system.
Baufest performed a reengineering of the entire central business process and a new version of the application was developed using .NET 4.5 technology. The new system was created in the cloud, allowing integration with other existing applications in branches around the world.
• Standardized process applicable to all countries (Brazil, Argentina and the US)
• Scalability to expand to other countries: Canada, Paraguay, Uruguay and China
• Solid database to easily determine the variety of seeds and improve business income
• Improvement in the general security scheme to prevent information theft: friendly and fast architecture to expand the new features when users require it