Why Having a Design System for Digital Product Development is Crucial?

In .Business Design by Baufest

By: Javier Madrazo, User Experience Head at Baufest.

Monday 19 - February - 2024
La arquitecta UX tiene una discusión con un ingeniero de diseño masculino, y trabaja en aplicaciones móviles tarde en la noche

As a result of the accelerated digitization we have experienced in recent years, companies have had to respond to the demands of their customers and to an increasingly pressing Time to Market with the development of digital products that often do not meet fundamental standards for users and brand image.

While today’s priorities for companies are strictly linked to the experience they offer to their customers and collaborators, the lack of these standards generates inconsistencies in usability and design, inconsistent user interfaces, and dispersion of information.

A design system is a set of components, principles, and guidelines used to create a coherent and consistent user experience across all digital products within an organization. Its importance lies in improving the user experience and building a stronger brand image.

By resorting to an in-house design system, the groundwork is laid for the sustainable development of an organization’s application ecosystem, solving problems such as: the existence of many digital solutions that are not unified visually or in terms of usability, and the low adoption of these solutions by users.

Moreover, it allows aligning the different areas involved in the creation of digital products such as Marketing, Business, UX/UI Design, and Software Development under the same guidelines, optimizing the construction process and speeding up delivery.

This methodology can be implemented in less than a year and, being a living system that evolves alongside the business and the brand, it constantly adapts to the numerous changes that an organization may undergo, such as updating its logo or improving the user experience.

In conclusion, a design system not only responds to current demands but also stands out as a dynamic tool that evolves alongside the business, ensuring its ability to constantly generate more robust applications and adapt to a changing digital environment.