Discovering improvement opportunities in data management

Walmart Chile is a subsidiary of Walmart Stores Inc., the world largest supermarket and retail chain, and one of the main actors of the country’s industry. Its main activity consists of the sale of food and goods in supermarkets, which takes places through its 370 stores distributed in the whole country, from Arica to Punta Arenas.
The client wanted to obtain relevant information to create cost savings initiatives and/or profit increase through the multiplicity of data available.
Baufest held the Business Insights Workshops with Walmart’s collaborators. A Discovery Research took place where this problem was approached, followed by the application of advanced analytics mathematical models on a set of data worked and processed from the different sources provided by Walmart. By grouping and correlating variables in actionable segments, Baufest could detect behavioral patterns with the collaborators which challenged preexisting believes.
• Value creation for the business obtaining actionable knowledge from available data in the company and its eco-system.
• Counterintuitive insights obtained from collaborators’ behaviors.
• Creation of a list of actions and initiatives suggested by the IT area, as the Business Unit involved.
• Detection of Improvements opportunities in data capture processes.