Development of a payment platform and gifts cards’ balance management

Oh! Gift Card is the leading company in gift card management and omnichannel branded currency solutions in Latin America. It provides services for the most important stores from each country as specialized provider in gift cards for loyalty and incentives programs. Through a unique approach, it integrates all the services which are part of the industry’s value chain, from issue to processing, distribution and commercialization of these physical and virtual cards.
La empresa necesitaba contar con la posibilidad de escalar sus capacidades operativas en línea con el crecimiento de su negocio con el objetivo de ganar flexibilidad para adaptarse a los cambios y aprovechar nuevas oportunidades comerciales. The Company wished to have the possibility to scale up their operating capacities, in line with the growth of its business, in order to gain flexibility, better adapt to change and exploit new business opportunities.
Together with Oh! Gift Card, we co-developed the cards processing platform and their balance management, extending their use to all the brands operating with the company. In order to increase the number of channels for gift-cards authorization transactions, integrating POS and e-commerce systems, we performed B2B and BTC client integration. We also developed the customers’ self-service platforms.
• Business opportunities thanks to the platform’s flexible design
• Integration with strategic clients
• Administration of the gift-cards ‘current account, in terms of corporate business benefits level and end-customer level.
• API’s availability for integración of adhering Brands and corporate clients.
• Decrease of the operating load in the client assistance area.