More agile teams to place the client at the center
Enel is one of the main companies in the world involved in the electric energy business. Enel Argentina participates in the generation, transport, commercialization processes and, through Edesur, it distributes energy to 2.5 millon users.
Within the framework of a cultural transformation, the company identified a series of projects aimed at placing the customer at the core of their business. Given the significance of this, and the need to obtain short-term results, the comapny wanted to implement agile methodologies.
Baufest provided training for the members of the projects, aimed at incorporating the agile concepts. Later on, the teams were assisted in the implementation of the toosl and concepts learned, and coaching sessions took place so that the leaders could take on the Scrum Mater role.
• Development of products and services focused on value delivery.
• Better user experience.
• More cohesive and motivated work teams.
• Better efficiency in the strategic decision taking process.