The constantly changing new digital reality demands quick action from organizations, to fulfill the needs and expectations from clients.
Anyway, IT areas frequently face the endless task backlog wherein projects compete among themselves, increasing the work load due to the constant analysis and prioritization of pending initiatives.
The acquisition of new digital skills to accelerate the process of development and starting up of production is one of the core keys to optimize the team performance and deliver the best service to the different business areas.
So, no surprise when - within this frame - , data from GARTNER Consulting company shows that Low-Code platforms will take up over 65% of the development activity for 2024.
We evaluate the needs of each of our clients to create a personalized journey that includes the implementation of Centers of Excellence where we develop Low Code technologies.

Low-Code Incubation
Kick off

Low-Code Factory
Backlog implementation

Agile Low-Code Company
Model and team maturity and health
01. Kickoff and Low-Code incubation
This is a foundational stage of the journey. Our focus here is to deliver tangible value throughout the first month. Here we build the foundations for the Low-Code team and reach the first MVP. This early victory is core to highlight the power of the technology, to build trust and to pave the road to the next stages.
02. Checkpoint | Low-Code manufacturing site
After the successful validation of the first MVP, we lay the basis for the constant, consistent and safe delivery of value.
We have begun the construction of a CoE (Center of Excellence) on an incremental basis with the aim of enhancing the progressive adoption of the technology within the organization.
In this first version of the CoE, a group of experts will define the best practices for development, quality standards and Low-Code technology governance as the main axis.
Concurrent to the CoE and under the umbrella of its governance, we have created a Factory responsible for the management and execution of the backlog.
03. Target | Agile Company
Upon the materialization of the CoE and the Factory in operation, the appropriate structure has been laid to consolidate the technology throughoutthe business lines including all of the use cases working with the different teams.
Having a methodology and an agile-based core (Agile Low-Code), the organization is ready to quickly adapt to the changing conditions of the market as well as to create value as fast as possible.