Design Thinking Methodology to develop an intuitive, and easy-to-use digital product.
Data analytics to understand the users´ behavior.
Gamification to encourage and enhance frequency of use.
Affordability web designed so that nobody is left out.
Device Farm to ensure the proper functioning of any mobile or tablet device.
Agile - Scrum - - Sketch UX - Adobe XD
SAP - Salesforce - SharePoint - Office 365 - Redsys - Paypal - Facebook - Analytics
iOS - Swift - Android - Kotlin - Flutter - Dart - Java - Spring Boot - PHP -Laravel - Python - Django- Angular - Vue - .NET - HTML5/CSS3/Javascript
Amazon Web Services - Google Cloud Platform - Microsoft Azure - Digital Ocean - Private Cloud - On premise
Xcode: UI + Unit Testing - Expresso Android UI Testing - Cucumber - Jasmine/Karma - Junit 5 - Jenkins - Bitrise - Maven - Gradle - Appium - Browserstack - Saucelabs
We have been granted with one of the first Official Certifications in iOS Application Development issued by Apple, which makes us the pioneers in corporate apps development.
We have developed over 700 mobile applications.