Baufest celebrates the female impact in technology on International Women’s Day

In .Institutional by Baufest

By Carla Caracciolo, Recruiting Coordinator at Baufest.

Friday 8 - March - 2024
Carla caracciolo

Currently, the field of technology remains predominantly male. According to the 2023 Global Gender Gap Report by the World Economic Forum, in the technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) sector, only 3 out of 10 workers are women, so the female workforce represents only a small fraction in this field.

Although women’s presence is limited in this industry, throughout history, it has had a significant impact with cases like that of Ada Lovelace, who with her pioneering vision laid the groundwork for the current development of computing; or Grace Hopper, a brilliant mathematician and computer scientist, who invented the first compiler for a programming language. Their revolutionary contributions have had a lasting impact on the digital world that is still felt today.

These examples are just a glimpse of the incredible potential of our gender in the technology industry. Their achievements demonstrate that there are no limits for women when equal opportunities and recognition for our unique talent are provided.

However, to achieve equitable female presence in the technology field, companies in this industry must work hard to create initiatives aimed at promoting women’s participation, such as educational programs, networking events, and mentoring focused on empowering more women to pursue careers in this area.

I believe that those of us who are part of technology companies have a great responsibility to join efforts to close the gender gap. Therefore, at Baufest, we have increased the percentage of women in the test automation position by 28% this year compared to 2023; while we went from 25% in 2021 to 47% in 2023. We have also noticed an increase in women working in testing (software quality control area), more and more are leaning towards or specializing in techniques within this field. Thus, this is one of the few positions in the industry where gender parity is possible.

Likewise, we are proud to report that today at Baufest, 41% of leadership roles are being performed by exceptional women who, with their passion and skill, are paving the way for a diverse team.

But it is not only about offering equitable job opportunities, but it is also necessary to build spaces where women feel safe and respected. In this sense, thanks to our policies and values, at Baufest, we have been recognized in the GPTW ranking as one of the eleven “Best Places to Work for Women” in Argentina in 2023, and we are committed to being so in the rest of the countries where we are present.

This distinction reaffirms our commitment to reducing the gender gap in the workplace by offering equitable treatment to our collaborators and fostering equal opportunities.

As a woman, I am very proud to be part of an international software and IT services provider that is making a difference by promoting gender diversity, which not only drives innovation and creativity within technology companies but also ensures equitable representation in the development of digital solutions that impact our society.

While there is still much to be done to increase women’s presence in technology, I am convinced that if we continue to work together to achieve greater inclusion and equal opportunities, we will take accelerated steps towards a much more equitable future.