Centralized loan management system for better service

Founded in 1905, Banco Galicia is one of the main private banks in the Argentine financial system. It is a universal bank which, by means of different related companies and distribution channels, is able to offer a wide range of financial services to more than 3 million customers, both individuals and companies, and operate one of the most extensive and diversified distribution networks in the Argentine private financial sector.
Banco Galicia wanted to make pledge loans, personal loans, and SGR (Sociedad de Garantia Recíproca, or Reciprocal Guarantee Society) available on one platform. BG was also looking for a way to reduce the time and manual labor involved in the loan process while improving its Net Promoter score and Service Level Agreement.
We developed a centralized product platform integrated with an external authentication server through which users could contract services, manage their accounts, do consultations, and handle product purchases, among other things. At the same time, they could access a communication channel which performed simulation services, sales architecture, credit assessment, and automatic liquidation of bank loans.
Finally, as part of making the platform more user friendly, the workflow of each product was modeled by means of a technical solution based on a state machine that could be adapted to the needs of each person.
• Reduction of the operative load in the customer service area.
• Traceability and visualization of operation tracking.
• Automatic notification of changes in application status to all the users involved.