Quiero! Website: modernization of the customer loyalty platform

Founded in 1905, Banco Galicia is one of the main private banks of the Argentine financial system. As international bank, and through different related companies and an extensive variety of distribution channels, it offers a broad rate of financial services to over 3 million customers, individuals, as well as companies, and it operates one of the most extensive and diversified distribution networks of the Argentina private financial system.
Banco Galicia started a reengineering and modernization process of the Quiero! Benefits Website to ensure a modern, agile and smart user experience. Furthermore, its goal was to extend its platform and the promotions service to its customers.
Baufest developed integrations with several cognitive components, such as the promotions core (NAP), consuming at the same time, multiple services provided by the bank infrastructure in order to feed the new portal. A website redesign was performed, following modern guidelines so that the browsing experience for the user was made easier and more intuitive and the user would return to the website regularly.
• Customized experience, considering tastes and preferences in the loyalty program Quiero!
• Customization of the benefits offer
• Greater outreach of the Quiero! Program in multiple platforms and devices with device responsive visualization.